Monday, October 25, 2010

Hermies and Widows!

Just a quick post, i just had to get rid of 5 plants because they developed male and female parts. This might sound exciting for humans but for plants not so much.

There are a few things that can cause this like being pollenated, going into shock or the seeds have come from a hermie plant. Im thinking that its the seeds because i got them from some weed i bought a long time ago, which from memory wasnt the dank.

To prevent this happening again ive gone ahead and ordered myself some white widow seeds which should be arriving in a few weeks. Unfortunatley the feminised seeds were sold out so i had to get regular, but they were alot cheaper also. I plan on isolating all of the strong seedlings, eventually taking cuttings from them and forcing them into flowering so that i can see what gender their parent was. Then from there i will isolate 1 or 2 of the strongest females and then take all of my clones / cuttings from them. This gaurentee's strong, lucious and most importantly female plants!

Thursday, October 7, 2010